Help us create equality in Croydon

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Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, we’ve been working in partnership with community groups, young people and the police to develop the Race Matters Pledge and Equalities Pledge – sets of things we can all do to help ensure that every resident feels like they belong, has a voice and is treated equally and fairly by others.

Our Race Matters Pledge has been designed to tackle persistent structural and institutional racism towards people of African/Caribbean/ African Latin heritage, following global acknowledgement of the need for change following the murder of George Floyd and our own internal reviews.

Our Equalities Pledge covers all other ethnicities including Asian and Eastern European communities and other equality characteristics including; disabilities, faith, gender, age and sexual orientation and will contribute to ensuring that every resident feels like they belong, has a voice and is treated equally and fairly by others

These pledges are aimed at everyone that lives, works or visits our borough and wants to commit to making Croydon a place that is free from racism and discrimination, as well as a safer, fairer and more inclusive borough for all.

Each pledge has actions for individuals and organisations. By signing, individuals and organisations are committing to challenging racism and respecting the values of equality, diversity and inclusion in Croydon.

Ahead of launching the pledges next year, we want to make sure we’ve got them right, that they are clear and we’ve not missed anything - to get involved, take the survey below.

If you would like this information in a different format, contact

Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, we’ve been working in partnership with community groups, young people and the police to develop the Race Matters Pledge and Equalities Pledge – sets of things we can all do to help ensure that every resident feels like they belong, has a voice and is treated equally and fairly by others.

Our Race Matters Pledge has been designed to tackle persistent structural and institutional racism towards people of African/Caribbean/ African Latin heritage, following global acknowledgement of the need for change following the murder of George Floyd and our own internal reviews.

Our Equalities Pledge covers all other ethnicities including Asian and Eastern European communities and other equality characteristics including; disabilities, faith, gender, age and sexual orientation and will contribute to ensuring that every resident feels like they belong, has a voice and is treated equally and fairly by others

These pledges are aimed at everyone that lives, works or visits our borough and wants to commit to making Croydon a place that is free from racism and discrimination, as well as a safer, fairer and more inclusive borough for all.

Each pledge has actions for individuals and organisations. By signing, individuals and organisations are committing to challenging racism and respecting the values of equality, diversity and inclusion in Croydon.

Ahead of launching the pledges next year, we want to make sure we’ve got them right, that they are clear and we’ve not missed anything - to get involved, take the survey below.

If you would like this information in a different format, contact

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 17 Mar 2023, 12:00 PM