Have your say on our budget proposals for 2022/23

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This survey closed at midnight Wednesday 12 January 2022.

Feedback from this survey was reported to Full Council on Monday 7 March 2022 as part of the council tax and budget item.

The engagement survey ran from 13 December to 12 January 2022.

The survey was promoted via a range of channels:

  • social media channels
  • press release
  • weekly Your Croydon bulletin
  • staff intranet
  • business newsletter

A total of 386 responses were received. Find out what people told us in this document.

Find out more about the discussion that took part at Full Council, and all supporting documents on the council website.

This survey closed at midnight Wednesday 12 January 2022.

Feedback from this survey was reported to Full Council on Monday 7 March 2022 as part of the council tax and budget item.

The engagement survey ran from 13 December to 12 January 2022.

The survey was promoted via a range of channels:

  • social media channels
  • press release
  • weekly Your Croydon bulletin
  • staff intranet
  • business newsletter

A total of 386 responses were received. Find out what people told us in this document.

Find out more about the discussion that took part at Full Council, and all supporting documents on the council website.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Croydon is now in the second year of its renewal plan – a major transformation programme which will ensure the council becomes financially sustainable by 2024.

    In the past year, Croydon has made significant progress in tackling its financial challenges. The council’s external improvement and assurance panel and central government have both demonstrated confidence in our ability to deliver our plans.

    Despite the progress we have made, the council is still facing unprecedented financial challenges. Like councils across the country, Croydon continues to be impacted by Covid-19, economic uncertainty and rising demand for its services, after a decade of government cuts. As a result, to keep our renewal plans on track and achieve a balanced budget next year and in the future, the council must make significant savings - £38m in 2022/23.

    Our absolute priority remains to deliver the everyday services our residents depend on. We have to save money, but we will protect core services and focus on transforming our services, to ensure we are targeting our resources where they make the most difference and offering our residents full value for every penny spent.

    We are also setting out plans to invest in our residents’ future needs, and crucially to build our reserves so that we can be there for them when they need us the most, now and in the future.

    There will be challenging decisions to make but we will always seek residents’ views about significant changes that affect them.

    The survey closes at midnight Wednesday 12 January 2022.

    Data protection statement

    We’ve asked for your information on this survey because it tells us more about the people (like you) who use our services. If we know more about you, we know more about the way our services are used and this helps us to make improved decisions about them. It also helps us to make sure we’re hearing from all our diverse communities.

    When we analyse responses and report findings from our surveys this is done anonymously and therefore your personal details are not identifiable.  That’s the same for when we ask for demographic information (like your age, gender identity, ethnicity or disabilities). We’ll also make sure that you don’t have to answer any questions about you.

    Share Have your say on our budget proposals for 2022/23 on Facebook Share Have your say on our budget proposals for 2022/23 on Twitter Share Have your say on our budget proposals for 2022/23 on Linkedin Email Have your say on our budget proposals for 2022/23 link
Page last updated: 13 Oct 2022, 11:45 AM